If you’re looking for a fun rainy day garden project to do with your kids, or if you are a new gardener and are concerned about planting tiny seeds like carrots and lettuce in the garden, I have the perfect project for you. A seed tape. You can typically find seed tapes in the gardening Read More >>
How to Make a Bean Teepee
When Monkey Boy and The Girl Who Thinks She’s a Bird were young, I would build them a bean teepee every summer. Back then, we lived on a .25 acre lot and because there was not an abundance of trees, I would purchase 6 foot bamboo poles at the Home Depot. These days, we live in Read More >>
Garden Projects For Kids: How to Build a Bean Teepee
When Monkey Boy and The Girl Who Thinks She’s a Bird were young, I would build them a bean teepee every summer. Back then, we lived on a .25 acre lot and because there was not an abundance of trees, I would purchase 6 foot bamboo poles at Home Depot. These days, we live in a more Read More >>
Garden Projects For Kids: How to Make a Seed Tape
If you’re looking for a fun rainy day garden project to do with your kids, or if you are a new gardener and are concerned about planting tiny seeds like carrots and lettuce in the garden, I have the perfect project for you. Seed tape. To make a seed tape you will need to gather Read More >>