Beets are one of those foods that you either love or hate. I personally am in the love camp. I could easily eat beets every day. I can’t even imagine a garden where I wouldn’t find a place to grow beets. Because I am such a huge fan of beets and lists, I’ve decided to Read More >>
Canning Pickled Beets
I went out to water this morning and came back in with a bunch of baby beets and radishes. I think I will try and can some pickled beets later this afternoon. As for the radishes, I’m giving those away. If I have to eat another radish I think I just might scream. Why Read More >>
Weekend Photo Update
This is the first year I have planted onions. I think they are looking pretty good so far. Garlic Scapes. I think I read somewhere that after they loop around twice you should cut them off so more energy goes into the garlic head. Anyone know for sure? Trying to protect the pumpkin plants from Read More >>