Do you have a dog? Do they help you in the garden? Do they think it’s their job to sample everything you harvest? Well, Lucy the puggle dog sure does. I simply cannot set foot outside without her being 1 step behind me. Yesterday, I harvested a few leaves of lettuce from the greenhouse. And Read More >>
Mavis Garden Blog – The Latest Harvest
Yesterday Lucy and I worked in the potato field {yet again} harvesting potatoes. Would you believe we still have two more rows to go? Holy cow man, will it ever end? 😉 I called our local food bank and asked if they’d be interested in some home grown potatoes and they said YES. Sweet diggety, Read More >>
Harvesting Potatoes
Yesterday I was in the mood for some Crock Pot Corn Chowder, so Lucy the trouble Puggle and I went out to the potato patch looking for some spuds to dig up. We set our sights on the longest row {the one closest to the greenhouse} and started sifting through the soil with a hand tool. Read More >>
How to Grow Your Own Food: Mavis Invites You on a Garden Tour…
Yesterday I walked out to the greenhouse, and decided the time had come to harvest my first vegetable of the 2012 growing season. As you know my goal this summer is simple; to grow 2,000 lbs of fresh fruits and vegetables in my very own backyard. And I think I can do it. After all, Read More >>
Companion Planting That Works
On the left side I had planted peas {in the wheelbarrow} in late March, followed by corn starts June 1st. On the right I planted corn starts on June 1st and planted pumpkin and beans a few weeks later. Note to self: do not plant peas and corn together again. Later today I will pull Read More >>