8 Health Benefits of a Daily Walk — I enjoy my daily walks with Lucy. Sometimes I joke that she would be more than ready to walk a marathon if I ever took her along for one! And I’d keep on walking even if I didn’t know that it was so awesome for my health. Read More >>
Are You a Dog Owner? If So You’ll Live Longer!
It’s probably no secret around here that I think Lucy hangs the moon. She’s our 4-legged child and very much a member of our family. So when I read this article on CNN about how dog owners live longer and how pets are the best medicine I was not one bit surprised. According to a Read More >>
6 Easy Steps to Increase Energy and Keep the Tired Away
Are you constantly dragging yourself through the day? Dreaming about bedtime or longing for an afternoon nap? Do you overdose on sugar and caffeine in an effort to simply get through the day? If you answer yes to any of those, this article is for you. While everybody’s bodies are different, these are some pretty Read More >>