One of our favorite readers, Lisa from Tasmania has shared an awesome post with us yet again. Normally she sends over stories and pictures from her life in Australia. She’s shared amazing pictures of her garden and even a yummy apple recipe. This time she’s walking us through a DIY Composting Bin that she made Read More >>
Composting 101: 5 Helpful Composting Tips
Reader Kelly is a compost queen and shares some awesome tips with us below: Hi Mavis, I live in Michigan on a small farm with one horse and a donkey companion. I am an avid composter. I thought I would share a few tips with you. 1. My favorite tip starts in the kitchen. I Read More >>
Composting for the Home Gardener
Composting can seem a bit overwhelming if you’re a newbie, but it’s actually really, really simple. You can use a composter that is super simple and cheap, or you can get a fancy one. Either way, “cooking your garbage” {Thanks Uncle Buck}, is like FREE nutrient rich goodness for your garden. All it really requires Read More >>
Learn to Compost, Forage or Pickle in a Seattle Tilth Class
If you are an expert gardener, a novice gardener or even a non-gardener, the Seattle Tilth has some perfect classes for you. I’m a super fan of the Seattle Tilth because they truly help gardeners and homesteaders at any and every level. Right now they are ready to show you how to take advantage of Read More >>
DIY – How to Make a Compost Tumbler
My friend Heather recently made a compost tumbler from scratch and I wanted to share this easy peasy tutorial with you. Here are the directions, photos and even a video of the tumbler in action. ********************** Composting.Is.Awesome. Nature takes useless bits of food, grass, dead leaves and other natural pieces of organic material and turns Read More >>