How to Dry Herbs Have you ever tasted the difference between homemade and store-bought dried herbs? If you have, you know much better the “home grown” dried herbs are! It’s totally worth it to pluck your herb harvest and get them dried. Store-bought herbs are almost bland in comparison. Sure, I’ll use them in a Read More >>
21 Gifts You Can Give This Year From Your Garden
Because one of my goals this year is to make or acquire all birthday or Christmas gifts, I’ll be turning to my garden for some help. I already have a bunch of canning jars on hand, and I’ve already planted a garden, so I’ll use the excess for some pretty awesome gifts. Here’s what I Read More >>
Harvesting and Drying Herbs From the Garden
Do you ever feel like fresh herbs go to seed waaaay faster than you can possibly consume them? I know if I turn my back for one minute on them, I’ve got flowers. In an effort not to waste food and make the most out of everything I grow, I have started drying most of Read More >>