Fresh, homemade pumpkin pie, is just one of the reasons I LOVE growing pumpkins every year. When the kids were little I used to grow them for carving, never thinking about actually using the pumpkins for the what Pilgrims intended them for, PUMPKIN PIE {of course}. Making your own pumpkin puree is totally cool. So Read More >>
Easy Crock Pot Meals – Vegetarian Chili Recipe
Since the kids have been back in school, my crock pot and I have been practically been joined at the hip. Call me a total nerd, but I love crock pot recipes! They are such a time saver. Especially if you have to drive your kids all over timbuck2 and back for sports practice and Read More >>
Easy Zucchini Recipes – Baked Zucchini Fries
How are you doing on zucchini? Have you had your fill yet this summer? At any given moment we have about 4 or 5 sitting on the kitchen counter, and having to come up with different ways to use the zucchini can be a challenge at times. Yesterday I whipped up a batch of zucchini Read More >>