I think it’s awesome recycling is becoming a little more mainstream; you all know how big I am into reusing and reducing waste! BUT there are some great ways to reduce your waste before you ever get to the recycling stage! Today I’m throwing out a few great tips about cutting down the amount of Read More >>
Mavis’ Almost Zero Waste Home in 29 Days or Less – Week 1
Since I am on a serious money saving kick this year, I realized that if I could reduce my waste, I could cancel my trash and recycling service {and save $420.30 this year}. Remember last year when I posted about whether or not having a zero waste home is realistic? Well, it has been floating around in Read More >>
How to Recycle Old Crayons into New Rainbow Crayons
So, every year, for years and years, when the kids brought their backpacks home on the last day of school, I would dump their crayon stubs into a rubbermaid shoe box. Then, when we went on road trips or whatever, I’d throw it in, the kids could painstakingly unwrap the nubs and continue to color Read More >>