We just filled the car up with gas this morning and I was surprised at the price. $2.55 a gallon! Whoa Nelly, that seems LOW. How much are you paying for gasoline in your neck of the woods these days?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Join Mavis Butterfield for vegetable gardening and canning tips, easy recipes, and saving money strategies (Rug hooking, too!). Simple living at its best!
Cecile says
I live in Ontario Canada and we are paying $1.239 per LITRE (1 US Gallon=3.78L) so, to make it easy math 4x 1.25=$5 CAN convert that to the current rate of exchange $3.80 US! When we head over to the US we always fill up before coming home! lol
Nora says
Thanks for doing the gallon-maths …
Sums up to around 5,86€ Per Gallen in Germany.
Nora says
Sorry – should read 5,86 US$ per gallon.
Laurie Lasala-Tuttle says
$3.49 for regular gas at Costco today in San Juan Capistrano, California!!
Christie says
$2.69 in Maryland but was $2.99 in Pennsylvania last weekend. You’re getting a deal! 😉
Carolina Cooper says
$2.499 a gallon at BJs Portsmouth, NH
Gina says
Same. Ft. Laudedale, FL.
Pauletta says
i paid $2.58 a gallon at Sams Club yesterday. I live in West Central Florida.
Scott says
I paid $2.58 a gallon for premium at Sam’s here in East Tennessee. I think regular was $2.30.
Bobby Hart says
We paid 1.75 gal using Krogers fuel rewards we had.80 a gal off so going rate was $2.55. Have a great day MS NEW ENGLAND!!love from Ga
Robin says
$2.65 in our part of Wisconsin. About the same or lower in small towns, higher closer to Milwaukee.
Linda Hart says
We paid $1.75 gal had .80 off at Krogers using fuel rewards. Going rate was $2.55.
Heave a great day MS NEW ENGLAND. LOVE from Ga.
Carole says
high, here in south Texas about $2.25
LauraArnett says
$2.36 in Trinity,AL. To me it’s still high- should be around $2 a gallon
Brenda says
$2.55/gal in Kalamazoo, Michigan. That’s lower than it was a few weeks ago…
Rachel says
It’s $3.40 in Chula Vista, CA (by San Diego). It’s ALWAYS too high if you ask me!
Margo says
$3.43 a few miles away in Spring Valley
Laura says
$3.35 at Costco. I’m in San Diego too.
Dianna says
Rachel – yes I’m paying almost $4 a gallon. CA drivers pay the most in the country due to all of our taxes, one of which just got added 🙁
Julia says
$3.80 to $3.90 in Sonoma COunty (Wine Country), CA. California pays a higher rate year-round because we have more environmental restrictions than, say, the Deep South, so they tell us; and in summer, we use the “summer blend” of gas which is even more expensive. The offset is that we have cleaner air, water, etc. Gas tax also pays for roads, etc. It blows my mind to hear of such cheap gas as $2 and thereabouts. Do you notice more pollution or fewer restrictions in your areas? Curious if what we are told is true.
Tamara says
Gas tax pays for roads in NC. In the Piedmont of NC gas is around $2.49 and our air and water are clean. Y’all are being sold a bill of goods in sunny CA!
Cheryl says
You people in the south have no idea of high gas prices. I live in Western PA and our gas is $2.99. If we have fuel perks it helps a lot.
Kristen says
Around $2.67 in Cleveland, OH right now.
wil says
in the Nederlands it is now between 1,66 and 1.77 euro per litre
Janet says
Filled up car last night for $3.29 gallon in Edgewood, WA (near Puyallup/Tacoma).
Jennifer says
In San Francisco area, $3.99 for regular unleaded. But we have at least 60 cents more gas tax, maybe $1 more (?), than the rest of the US.
Mavis Butterfield says
Julia says
Yes, just said this!
Deborah says
A gallon of gas costs us $2.48.9 per gallon. And I live in Texas and close to oil towns. In fact there is an Exon-mobile plant close to the town I live in.
Elise in the SF Bay Area says
The lowest price around here is an Arco near my office. I use my debit card, and that adds 35 cents per tank, but that comes to 2-3 cents per gallon, so it’s still less (and faster than going in to pay cash).
Yesterday it was 3.39/gallon (before the 35-cent debit card fee), but the pumping system was BROKEN 🙁 I’m going to try again this morning (low-gas light is now ON), fingers crossed, because all other gas in that area is 50-60 cents more…
Tracy says
$2.87 a gallon in Canby, Oregon
Robin says
I’m just excited to see someone else from tiny Canby reads this blog! #fredmeyerson99forthewin
Pamela says
Up until a few days ago the highest price I saw on my way to work was $2.96 per gallon. This was almost 20 cents a gallon higher than the others I saw. Right before the weekend it dropped to $2.90. Of course I didn’t get my gas there. I paid $2.78 my last fill up. This is in South Jersey.
Carrie says
It is $2.43 at Costco in NC.
tia in boise says
It’s been about $3.05 all summer, here in Boise. But the past 2 weeks has been $2.95.
Ca says
$3.89 for premium in Northern California (that’s at the cheap place).
Kayla says
Yep. It is $3.59 in Northern CA for unleaded. I’m jealous of everyone complaining of anything under $3/gallon.
jilly says
Had a good laugh about asking if $2.55 was a low price. Here in taxland CA that is a price in our dreams. We are all over the place with gas prices depending on the station. Arco has a low of $3.39 (three stations…all different prices) to 76 which thinks asking $4.15 for the cheap stuff is OK. Their premium at times has been well over $5.00.
I am in Yucaipa which lets see…Big Bear Mountain is only 40 mins away and Wrightwood is in the distance for those that ski. We are not near Disneyland nor are we in LA thank goodness. But hey, I can look out and see the mountain range that the San Andreas fault line runs along.
By the way Mavis, we bought a home last September that needs a lot of yard work (front yard, back yard, back20, and an easement we are responsible to clean up as per the Fire Dept. So, right now I understand about the weeds. Darn things are everywhere. Get done with one section and then the last section we did has more.
blessings, jilly
Michelle says
California almost $4 a gallon
DavidB says
OK We pay about USD5.54 pounds for one of your gallons. (I assume a US gallon is six pints or 75% of a UK gallon . Costco can be quite a bit cheaper
Ginger says
$3.69/gal for regular at Chevron in Redmod, WA.
Stephanie says
$2.77 was what I paid at my last fill up two weeks ago here in Utah.
Jennifer says
Paid $2.48 in NE Missouri yesterday, most around us is in the $2.50-2.60 range. Up from the 4th when we paid $2.15 in Bentonville AR.
Amanda says
when i filled up last week i paid $2.97 a gallon, it was $2.55 yesterday morning. I buy gas anywhere along a 40 mile route around springfield illinois. we just had a new gas tax implemented that raised prices 30 cents a gallon…
Jennifer Bouknight says
Here in the mountains of NC, it’s $2.49, but in our former hometown 90 miles south of here, it was $2.41. NOTE: Murphy (WM) has all with a rewards program. It’s not much, but I average 10¢ off every other tank, plus discounts on drinks and candy.
Jamie says
closer to 2.99 / gallon in northern illinois. the state who just added yet another gas tax……
Vanessa in Puyallup WA says
$3.55 in Puyallup, WA but was $.15-$.20 cheaper per gallon in Pullman, WA (Eastern WA). The State is raising our taxes again, they say it will add another $.70 – $1.00 per gallon! Tuning up my bicycle today! 🙂
Laura says
OMG…you’re kidding! I might lose it if that happens!
3.87 in Bellevue, WA. We paid less than $3 in HAWAII in early July. How crazy is that!
Laura says
It’s $3.55 here in Seward, Alaska.
Laura says
OMG…you’re kidding! I might lose it if that happens!
3.87 in Bellevue, WA. We paid less than $3 in HAWAII in early July. How crazy is that!
Christine says
About $2.80ish in RI right now.
Bobbi says
2.45/gallon in western virginia!
Jennifer says
$2.34 in Santa Fe, NM
debbie in alaska says
$3.35 a gallon in Juneau , Alaska
Stacie says
Today, in south TX, I paid $2.44 / gallon. We’re directly in the middle of the Eagle Ford Shale and are usually pretty fortunate with lower prices than the rest of the country.
Katie says
$2.30’s in central Texas. That’s a little higher than it has been in recent months, but it is summer time.
Sara says
$234 to $2.39 in Springfield, Mo
Here in CA a $1.00+ more per gallon. I wish we were in that range for gas.
Linda Practical Parsimony says
$2.30 in Cullman, north ALabama
Vy says
$3.25 in Renton, just south of Seattle
DebbieB says
Our Costco in the Baltimore suburbs is currently $2.46.
Delores says
$2.35 in Fayetteville, NC
Linda says
Here in south western Ohio it has been 2.39 until last week when it shot up to between 2.59 and 2.79/gal. depending on where you go. That is with no discounts ( like Kroger, for example)
Linda T
Turbo Nana says
It’s $3.84 for Premium (for my turbo VW Bug)!! here in Millersburg, Oregon.
MamaJo says
$2.30 @ Costco in Cedar Park,Tx….
Lana says
Paid $2.31 in Clemson, SC today.
Erin says
2.33 in cedar rapids, ia today.
Marybeth says
$2.79 in Long Island, NY.
Teresa Hewson says
$2.64 in Midcoast ME (Waldoboro)
Debra says
Around $2.79 in ARIZONA.
But it is a dry heat …
Torry says
Debra, One of my favorite cartoons ever shows 2 devils in He__ and one of them says to the other, “It isn’t the heat, it is the humidity!”
Thought of this when I read your cute tag!
Michelle says
It’s 3$ a gal up the canyons in Utah. But if I am willing to drive down the canyon to fill up my car 20 miles away I can save 50 cents a gallon.
wendy says
In Ontario Canada we are paying $1.21 litre which is $4.58 gallon
Joely says
3.41 on Cape Cod…Likely going up after the tornado today-at least for the short term!
Mary says
$2.38 on Monday in Littleton NH Have you tried one of those apps that compares gas prices around you?
Kelley says
$3.09 in Anchorage, AK
Jane Hebert says
2.55 gal, 30 minutes north of Boston.
Arlene says
$2.45 at Costco in NJ. Cheapest price I’ve seen here.
Deb says
2.99 in Western PA. We always pay more, supposedly because of location of pipelines.
Julie T says
we’re running around $2.49 but that includes a new gas tax added for our area to supposedly help make improvements to I 81.
Danielle King says
Right now premium is $3.99 / gal
Last month it was around $4.45.
Sorry I don’t know regular prices because my car only takes premium.
San Francisco Bay Area, California.
Mandy Mascaro says
I paid $2.12 per gallon this morning in Baton Rouge, LA. I read somewhere the other day that Baton Rouge has the cheapest gas in the United States right now. I don’t know if that’s true or not though.
Lynette says
$2.40 today at Costco in Knoxville, TN
Linda Practical Parsimony says
Gas went down 6 cents overnight, so it is $2.24 now in Cullman, AL, just north of Birmingham.
Linda says
$3.95 in Southern California…. boo I try to always get it at Costco as it’s at least .20cents less.
Danielle Diakoff-King says
$4.09 a gallon for premium northern california.
this was last week.