The post office called about 10am this morning. “Please come quick! Your package is chirping.” So I called my assistant who happened to be home from pre-school today and asked if she wanted to go to the post office with me to pick up some baby chicks. And she did.
And waiting inside were 5 day old chicks: 1 for me, 1 for Monkey Boy and 3 for The Girl Who Thinks She’s a Bird.

This is my chick her name is Peter, as in Peter Rabbit. I named her Peter because she is an Easter Egger and because her face will look like a rabbit when she gets bigger. And because I think all rabbits should be named Peter whether they are a boy or a girl.

My lovely assistant took each and every chick out of their shipping box and dipped their little beaks into the water for a wee drink. Then she dipped their beaks into the feed dish.
We have baby chicks. Wooo Hooo!
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