I love it when I realize I can easily make something I’ve been buying, like these dog treats. Dog treats are pretty spendy at the store, but I love buying them for Lucy. I’m a sucker like that {although the HH is much worse and will throw her a treat if she even glances his way. A big softie that one}.
I made some of these peanut butter pumpkin treats for Lucy the other day and she devoured them. They are super easy and a pretty healthy treat too. And guess what? Way cheaper than that store bought junk. I don’t know about you, but I’m always nervous about the harmful ingredients in store bought dog treats. This way I know exactly what I’m feeding little Miss Lucy. 🙂
Homemade Peanut Butter Pumpkin Dog Treats
2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
2 tablespoons peanut putter
2 eggs
3/4 cup pumpkin puree {I show you how to make pumpkin puree HERE}
1 tablespoon water
Bone shaped cookie cutter
Preheat oven to 350F. In a medium mixing bowl, combine all ingredients to form a dough. Flour a flat surface and roll out dough until it’s about a 1/2 inch thick.
Use cookie cutter to cut out bone shapes and space them out on a cookie sheet. Bake for 15-18 or until slightly browned. Let cool and place in a sealed container for up to 2 weeks. YUM YUM YUM.
Katie says
I’ll have to make these with my kids, my puppy turns 9 soon! Is there a reason you used whole wheat flour? Just wondering if it’s ok for me to sub what I have (all purpose) without hurting my dog.
Leslie Moss says
I was thinking the same things about the flour. I would like to know as well.
Molly Jo says
The good news is that none of the flours you’re likely to see on your store shelves are actually dangerous for your dog. However, white flour is highly processed and has no nutritional value whatsoever, so please don’t use that in Fido’s treats. I use oatmeal when I make mine.
Tracy says
Dogs can’t digest oats.
Tracy says
All purpose flour is actually better for dogs than whole wheat. We humans often think whole grains, whole wheat flour, is healthier…and for humans, it is. But dogs are not evolved to digest grains at all, and all purpose flour, or even better rice flour, will be digested most easily.
Alyse says
I agree about he rice flour.
We found it, in the bulk section of Winco, but it is easy to find at Asian markets and many shops.
Katie says
Thanks Ladies!
Sue says
Whole wheat flour is more nutritious than white flour, even unbleached. I’ve made similar biscuits for my dog using brown rice flour instead.
Deb K says
I used to make teething biscuits using a dog bone mold for my kids when they were young…got some strange looks from folks in public! But they were much easier for them to hang onto! This post brought me back 30 years…..
Diana says
I’ve seen this recipe using oatmeal instead of flour. My dog loves the oatmeal version. Also, I don’t bother with the bone shaped cookie cutter, which is tedious and time consuming. I use a pizza wheel and quickly cut the rolled out dough into small squares, right on the cookie sheet. It’s much faster and easier, and makes a lot more treats.
Carol@Lake Tapps says
Brilliant idea to use a pizza cutter!! I’m going to try the recipe and use a pizza cutter. Our puppy will be so happy to get homemade treats. 🙂
Suzanne Shaw says
I would suggested changing out at least 1/2 of the Wheat flour for Oat Flour (just old fashioned oats that you pulse in your food processor). Also, make sure your Peanut Butter is all natural, and unsalted if you can get it. But all natural is the most important – check the ingredients on the jar to know for sure.
Granny B says
Just make sure your peanut butter DOES NOT contain xylitol. It is highly toxic to dogs.
Christina@Bargainblog says
These look awesome! They’d make nice gifts for a friend with a dog. We have a cat, and he also likes an occasional bit of peanut butter. Not sure if that makes him weird…? Haha
Love your blog so much! I’ve been going through many of your old entries while I’ve been home so much more. It has brought a lot of comfort AND a lot of laughs, too. Thank you for that.
Mel says
We had a cat that ate M&Ms (and potato chips and pasta), so peanut butter sounds normal by comparison. We obviously didn’t feed her those things, but you couldn’t leave your plate unattended. She was originally a stray, so I think she got used to eating whatever she could find.
Alyse says
Our cats like the mushy pumpkin.
Sheryl says
Do you think these would freeze well?
Mavis Butterfield says
Yes! 🙂
Renay says
Love this! I have been making my own mayo since my favorite brand had supply issues during the lockdown. Super easy (1 cup light oil, 1 tsp salt, t TB lemon juice and one egg -immersion blend it). Also been making ranch with my homemade mayo, biscotti, too.
Deb says
Dora Kert says
Hi Mavis! I was wondering how many treats does this make? Thanks!
Mavis Butterfield says
I think about 24, but then again it depends on the size of your cookie cutter too.