On a recent vacation, The Girl and I visited Walton’s Mountain Museum and Earl Hamner’s home. It was amazing and made me fall in love with the Waltons all over again! Lucky you though, I picked up something really fun for today’s giveaway:
Not only do you have the chance to win a Walton’s Mountain tote bag, but an autographed copy of Earl Hamner’s book Spencer’s Mountain is included too!
If you’re a true Walton’s fan, you’ll understand just how cool that is. The show was based on Hamner’s book. Hamner was essentially, “John-Boy.” Hamner is a gifted storyteller, and takes snippets from his life and turns them into fictional portrayals of growing up in a poor family. Even though the names are not the same, you’ll find the same classic coming of age tales in both Spencer’s Mountain and The Waltons.
One lucky reader will win a Walton’s Mountain tote bag and an autographed copy of Earl Hamner’s book Spencer’s Mountain
All you have to do to enter this giveaway is leave a comment below and tell me what your favorite TV show growing up was? You don’t get bonus entries for saying The Waltons, but it’ll probably put you on my favorite reader’s list!
Just answer that one question and you’re entered to win. Life’s pretty complicated sometimes, so I like to keep things simple around here.
1 entry per person/ip address. If you cheat, you will totally be disqualified.
This giveaway ends Friday, December 20th, 2013 @6 pm PST and the winners will be announced in the Sunday, December 22nd, 2013 edition of Mornings with Mavis. You will be notified via email and have 24 hours to claim your prize. If you do not claim your prize within 24 hours, the prize will be forfeited.
Good Luck! I hope you win!
♥ Mavis
You can stay up to date on all this giveaway madness by following OneHundredDollarsAMonth on Facebook, Twitter and Google+!
Connie Wheeler says
There were so many great tv shows when I was a kid, or at least I thought so. Yes, Walton’s Mountain was one of my and my whole families favorites. We’d talk about the shows with my uncle Bernie and sometimes we got to watch them with him in the summer when we didn’t have school and could stay overnight with he and my grandparents. (He was a bachelor uncle so we had him to ourselves all the time growing up.) Brings back wonderful old memories to even mention Walton’s Mountain.
Pam P says
The Andy Griffith show among others. Good clean fun with occasional blue grass music!
Lana Popejoy says
Growing up, our family watched Tv together. Our favorites were of course, The Waltons, Little House on
the Prairie, and Wonderful World of Disney. This sure brings back a lot of memories for me.
Bible Babe says
I know I’m in the minority here, but I hated and despised The Waltons and Little House–absolutely the worst stuff I ever saw. DARK SHADOWS and KUNG FU were my favorites….sorry.
RebekahU says
Bonanza! 🙂
Barb says
The Partridge Family!
coleen says
Mmmmm, favorite show…..Gene London. (it was local to my area, I think)
Martha says
Little House on the Prarie AND the Waltons. Seriously!!! We have all the seasons on DVD and my husband and I watch them after the kids go to bed! I was so fascinated to read earlier this year that you had gone to Walton’s Mountain and was even a bit jealous. 🙂
JC says
My favorite show was Battlestar Galactica! Starbuck was dreamy! So was Zac (Rick Springfield), even though he only lasted one episode.
Andy says
Little House on the Prairie – but The Walton’s was a close runner-up!
Julie says
We didn’t watch a lot of tv growing up, but…Wheel of Fortune!
Stacey says
I would have to say Andy Griffith. We didn’t watch a lot of TV, but that is the first show (other than the Waltons) that came to mind. I still watch it whenever my hubby comes across it when he’s having “recliner time.”
Karen says
Gilligan’s Island.
Melissa says
Little House on the Prairie
Leasa franks says
I enjoyed little house on the prairie,
Jaime B says
Little House on the Prairie was my fav show growing up……oh and Dukes of Hazard…….. I love 80’s tv…
Charla says
We watched the Cosby show!
Rosemeri says
MASH….I loved that show. There were lots of other great programs back then. Hard to pick just one.
Deb E says
It WAS the Waltons! I made my family call out “good night” at bedtime just like the Waltons did. Still watch it on disc and in syndication to this day.
Shannon says
Little House and the Brady Bunch
Deb Toth says
Oh the memories!!!! TY
Danielle says
It’s a toss up between Little house on the prairie and Days of our lives, both shows I got to watch with my mom and felt like a big kid.
Christie Horn says
Little House on The Prairie, The Walton’s and Highway to Heaven –Loved all these shows–grew up watching them with my mom–Great memories!:)
Jami Morris says
Little House on the Prairie…………
kristie toledo says
Little House on the Prairie
Lanie says
Little House on the Prairie and it is Still my fav.
Beth Johnson says
Well, The Waltons WAS one of my favorite shows while growing up AND one of my favorite Christmas shows was the Walton’s Movie/or pilot with Patricia Neal. Do you remember the big swear word from that? Little Elizabeth was the one who said it!
Deb E says
lol was it “piss ant”? In the midst of the family squabble about the birds nest being used as a Christmas decoration? Love that movie ( The Homecoming).
Linda says
Little house on the prairie…. I liked the Walton’s too!!!
Dianna says
I loved Happy Days and The Love Boat!
Deanna A says
Oh my age is showing ; Ed Sullivan…………watched Waltons and Little House on the Prairie with my children
Mary Ann says
I loved the Waltons, but my favorite was Little House on the Prairie. That Michael Landon was just a dream! 🙂
Andi says
Mine was Leave It To Beaver. Huge crush on Wally!!
alane says
I really liked the Walton’s very much. watched it with my grandmother.
Kimberly says
I think The Brady Bunch was my first favorite.
Maria says
Little House on the Prairie, but The Walton’s is my daughter’s favourite, and she would LOVE if I won this! She read the blog post where you went to their house, and was So jealous! We may plan a trip out that way next spring. 🙂
Denise Arneson says
OMG my husband loves the Walton’s. He watches reruns on the Hallmark channel every day. Unfortunately they suspended the show until after the holidays because of holiday programming. You just gave me an idea for a birthday gift and get him, Spenser’s Mountain. Did you know that there is a feature film by that name based on the book? Remember that the original Mama was Patricia Neal in the pilot? She was married to Roald Dahl who wrote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory among other wonderful books like James and the Giant Peach. As you can guess I liked books better than TV, but if I had name a favorite show I would say the Smothers Brothers or Laugh In.
Linda says
Do you have the movie The Homecoming starring Patricia Neal? I watch it over and over and over at Christmas time.
Diane Bernath says
I loved The Waltons – still watch it occaisionally.
Beth B. says
My favorite show growing up was Carol Burnett! I was also a big fan of The Brady Bunch. Spencer’s Mountain was and still is one of my favorite movies! My mom and I visited many of the places it was filmed when we were on a vacation when I was young. Great memories!
Kathy Crownover says
Angel Griffin says
Loved little house on the prairie and the waltons. They would run back to back on PBS. Loved the family values in both shows.
Linda says
Little House on the Praire for me but my husband loves the Waltons!! I’d love to win this for him since he’s so hard to buy for!! HA!
Eliza says
The Honeymooners!
Danette says
Marcus Welby MD and the Monroes
Margaret Baugh says
Little House in the evening, Brady Bunch in the afternoon. Love Boat and Fantasy Island on Fridays. And Cheers! Now, my children and I watch The Waltons everynight, they dont understand how we couldnt watch one EVERY night and had to wait a week inbetween!!!!
Marie says
We loved the Waltons as well. Something we all watched as a family. Probably helped we only got one channel – so there was no argument about what we were watching
Lissa says
First it was I Love Lucy in re-runs. Then it was Bionic Woman. Laverne and Shirley was right up there too. I loved Little House on the Prairie and enjoyed the Waltons when I stayed with my Grandma and she let me stay up late watching TV. 🙂
Veronica Vatter says
I’ve always loved the Waltons. Although, I watched Little House and Gilligan’s Isle more as a child.
Kay Roberts says
I Love Lucy
Ramona says
I liked Andy Griffith. I have always liked watching
TV, Captain Kangaroo, Lucy Show, Green Acres, Beverly Hillbillies and all the spin offs. Little House on Prairie and Waltons. Still watch many of these when I find them on. Waltons makes me feel good seeing a close family.
Sandy says
Well, can’t honestly say it was the Walton’s although I did watch it a lot as I had a serious crush on Richard Thomas, especially when he came out with a book of poems. G’Night, John Boy!
Scott Poole says
There were so many like Little House on the Prairie, Mork and Mindy, Good Times, Star Trek (original).
Sherry in Sumner says
I’m showing my age, but my favorite TV show growing up was I Love Lucy. That zany lady made me and my family laugh every week.
Erin says
Little House on the Prairie! But my mom looooves the Waltons, and I would definitely give this to her!
Melissa says
When I was growing up, I wasn’t allowed to watch much television, but Little House on the Prairie was my favorite book series and I would watch the show at my friends’ houses whenever I could. I thought it was a sign that two of the actresses were named Melissa (Melissa Sue Anderson and Melissa Gilbert) and I am pretty sure every report I gave in 6th grade related to pioneer days and may or may not have included me wearing a bonnet.
Linda says
Ohhhhh man you really got MY attention when I saw The Waltons! I love that show. I loved it with my kids at home growing up. and Little House on the Prairie! I would sooooo love to win this! That’s so exciting!
jennifer burns says
Full House
Cathy says
Our family had no TV for most of my childhood, but as a teen we finally got it and at that point my favorite (and just about all we watched, anyway) was Little House on the Prairie.
Tracy Petitjean says
Little House on the Prairie
Denise T. says
The Muppet Show.
Leanna says
Did not grow up with TV but enjoyed the Waltons and Little House on the Prairie when I did get to watch.
jaime says
I loved to watch Northern Exposure–too bad it’s not on Netflix!!
Rosaleen says
Hmm-I don’t claim to have grown up yet, but when I was much younger, I liked “Rin Tin Tin.” My favorite thing on TV was any old movie rerun, especially if John Wayne was in it.
Erin says
Little House on the Prairie. But the Walton’s was one of my mom’s favorites, hence my name. 🙂 She would love this!
Heather says
Matlock! I was homeschooled and it came on during my lunch break every day.
Nancy says
I loved the Waltons and Little House on the Prairie!
Damien says
I have a hard time putting a finger on what show was really my favorite growing up. I think I would have to say it was not technically one show, but a genre of nature filming very rarely seen these days. I used to absolutely love the nature films done in the old Disney style where the narrator would go on about what was happening and each of the animals was named. While they did anthropomorphize the animals a bit, there were rarely any humans in the show itself aside from the disembodied voice. Even when they do things like this now it just doesn’t have the same charm. As for the Waltons, I never actually watched it until I was a full grown adult, but by then I had matured into an interest.
Lisa Gibson says
Little House and the Walton’s. my dad used to call out “goodnite Elizabeth” to me just like on the show. I had crush on Daddy John Walton (Ralph Waite). He’s a priest on Days of Our Lives right now and still hot! lol
Heather says
erin s says
little house on the prairie in the morning while eating breakfast.
Emma M says
Home Improvement
Shelby says
That’s a hard one! I loved both The Walton’s and Little House on the Prairie.
Eileen Grigsby says
I loved just about anything animal related on the Discovery Channel. And Bill Nye the Science Guy!
Rosanne R says
Seriously, The Walton’s. I write and related to John-Boy, and I loved Earl Hammer Jr.’s narration of the show.
theresa b says
This will date me. I liked to watch “The Man from UNCLE” and dreamed of being a secret agent!
Deborah Jansen says
I Love Lucy of course! 🙂
Lee Ann says
The Walton’s has always been my favorite TV show of all time. I began watching it when it first aired and couldn’t wait for the next week’s show. I liked it so much because it was a lot like how my Dad grew up. Like Earl Hamner, he grew up in the mountains of Virginia during the time of the Depression. He would tell me wonderful stories of what his life was like in the older days. His family wasn’t quite as well off with money as the Walton’s were but his life was filled with wonder, adventure, family, and love. He taught me how to live off the land… as the old saying is. His salad was the wild plants they would gather in the woods. He had many of the core values that the Walton’s show brought to the public. He and I use to watch this show together all the time until he passed away. Now when I watch the reruns it brings me closer to him and allows me to live in another time for a few short moments. I always liked the moral of the story the best, the unspoken words of how to be kind, faith, charity, trust, etc. There are few TV shows that do this now-a-days. I hope the reruns stay on forever so people can watch and learn. I think my favorite episode is “An Easter Story” from the first season.
Karen says
I LOVED the Waltons and I still do! I watch them in DVD and also have Spencers Mountain etc…but I have to admit probably the favorite show was Bewitched. I have them too and watch them over and over (really they are my sisters but shh… don’t tell her I still have them!.)
mindy says
I was a huge Waltons fan (still am) and wanted to write like John Boy and have a big family. I write but only had one child 🙂 I also liked Gilligans Island – but I will stick to dry land. This is the best giveaway ever!!!
Sarah says
I loved Bewitched growing up. Those were the great show days.
Marie says
JP Patches! How couldn’t you fall in love with a great guy who lives at the City Dump! I was on his show with my Girl Scout troop! When he looked right at you with his “I C U” TV and read everyone’s birthday name on their special day – well, be still my heart…
Such a special guy who brought pure joy to everyone.
bonnie says
Mash and Little House on the Prairie!
Lynn says
I am not kidding when I say I just bought the whole set of seasons of The Waltons for my kids for Christmas! These additional giveaway pieces would be awesome to add to it!
Besides that show I also liked the Brady Bunch! I was the oldest of six kids at the time, and imagined I was Marsha. lol
Sharon says
Well I did love The Waltons growing up of course! Little House was huge for me too, Brady Bunch and Happy Days were two more must-watch shows for me. I will say that the REALLY cool thing about The Waltons is that my two teenage sons have really gotten into watching it in syndication, and they love it! Nifty, huh?
mandy says
We always watched the Waltons, especially when we were at our Grandma and Grandpa’s. Grandpa just loved it. It is still a favorite of my brother’s. I’m happy I saw this, I may try to find the book for his Christmas present.
It’s hard to choose one fave, but I did love Gilligan’s Island and of course Scooby Doo.
Diane says
Well, I’m going to say “Flipper”. Maybe because I was in Minnesota as a kid, warm weather, lots of sun…and Flipper was hard to beat!
Pat Giaquinta says
I grew up in the 50’s & 60’s and my favorite show was My Friend Flicka. I do love, love, love the Waltons & I have been collecting (when I can afford them)the dvds of the tv series. The show was an inspiration to those seeking a simple way of life that revolved around family. I love it so much!!!!!!!!!
Sharon says
I loved Get Smart! 🙂
Jen F says
I really liked the Smurfs
Pam says
We didn’t have a TV in the house till I was about 8 (?) years old. I loved Sea Hunt and Flipper because I’ve always loved the ocean. But The Waltons and Little House were high on my list too (always thought I was born too late when I watched those shows……lol). All time and forever favorite would have to be MASH. Alan Alda was a TV genius and I honestly can’t think of an episode that I didn’t love.
peggyh says
we loved the waltons but I also love I love Lucy (already in reruns then)
Sandy says
I Love Lucy was by far my favorite. When my children were growing up we always watched Little House on the Prairie and The Waltons. Whatever happened to all the “good” shows like this?
Brenda T says
Thanks again for the chance to enter your giveaway, this has been fun! I grew up in the 40’s and 50’s in a small town in N.C. Television wasn’t around our area until the early 50’s, but when it came, we were so excited!! I remember going downtown to the furniture store and watching television through the window at the furniture store. We were not the only one’s there, everybody in town was! We did not have a television until 1957, and my favorite was Father Knows Best. I found your blog just a few months ago, and I knew you were my kind of people when I read that you visited Walton’s Mountain. Ha! Isn’t that just the neatest place? I remember stories shared by my Grandparents, and my parents about their familes during the depression of the 1930’s. Mother grew up in the foothills of N.C. and my Father in the Blue Ridge Mountains of VA. When The Waltons came on in the early 1970’s, everyone in the family came to watch it at my house, because we had a new Zenith TV and a new rotary antenna on top of the house. All of my children and grandchildren have grown up with The Waltons. Sorry to ramble on so much but when I get started, it’s hard to stop! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Patti M says
If I win this, it would totally go to my sister whose favorite show was Waltons,
Cristie says
Star Trek the original, I used to watch it with my Dad.
Cherilyn P. says
I loved Little House on the Prairie and the Waltons of course!
Amanda says
My favorite growing up was Full House though I’ve enjoyed The Walton’s quite a bit with my mom. We still watch it together sometimes and she watches it almost every day.
James says
Favorite TV show was I Love Lucy
Paula W says
I.Love.The.Waltons….I have Spencers Mountain and The Waltons dvds and I watch them all.the.time! By far my favorite movies. I loved the shows back in my teen years and never missed them. I guess I really should have just been born earlier and been a part of that era!! Too bad shows have changed so much.
Crystal Jackson says
I absolutely loved watching LIttle House on The Prairie and the Waltons. Oh to go back to those days where quality shows like that were made and not the garbage of today!!
Patty says
Patty Duke Show
RaDonna F says
Little a House on the Prarie was great, but my favorite was Lassie!
Holly H says
Growing up it was Little House. But now with my kids, Walton’s Mountain plays every afternoon!
Kathy says
There was a lot of good sitcoms and dramas on when I was growing up but I think it has to be Dark Shadows. Would go to babysitter’s house after school, get a snack and crash on living room floor to watch with her. Was the best time ever because we didn’t have to do homework until it was over!
janet says
Lassie was my favorite!
Glenda Sessions says
Little House on the Prairie and The Waltons!!!
Pam H says
We grew up watching the Waltons but my favorite is probably Little House on the Prarie because I loved the books.
Angela Wilkins says
My favorite thing to watch on TV (and I still love them) were Bugs Bunny cartoons. They just don’t make cartoons like that anymore! (I also loved the Muppets!)
Barbara says
This will certainly date me: My favorite TV show when growing up was – drum roll please – American Bandstand with Dick Clark!
Karen says
I loved all the “horse operas,” mainly Roy Rogers. There was always a moral to the story and Roy and Dale always conquered the evil doers, yet nobody got hurt.
Melanie Solis says
My favorite was Little House on the Prairie, second place was The Walton’s. The great thing….my kids love them too!!
Sena C. says
mary g says
I loved the Waltons but I think little house on the Prairie is my all time favorite. I still love it!
Tina says
little house on the prairie
Deborah P says
My favorite TV shows growing up were: the Cosby Show and MacGyver. I loved the Walton’s too…I wanted to be Erin!
Renee A. says
My fave show as a kid is Little House on the Prairie…my youngest daughter also enjoys the shows on dvd from the library. 🙂
Teresa Young says
The Monkees was one of my favorite shows.
This would be a great book to read to my grandkids at bedtime.
shari harniss says
Bonanza- Hoss was my fave!
pam c says
Ah! The Waltons WAS my favorite show. John Boy was my imaginary boyfriend. My mother says I would tell her not to sit on John Boy when she would try to sit down in the living room.
Heidi says
Anne of Green Gables series
paula says
Bewitched was my favorite. I wanted to be Samantha!
Julia says
“Roy Rogers”
sharon says
One favorite?? I did enjoy watching The Waltons and Andy Griffith, Dick VanDyke Show, Mary Tyler Moore Show, I Love Lucy…….
Freya says
John says
Mayberry RFD/Andy Griffith Show but The Real McCoy’s was right up there. Perry Mason was a good show, too. Amateur Hour was a great variety show. Green Acres was a hoot with Arnold the pig! The Walton’s came later and it was a show that my wife and I watched weekly; you just could not ask for a more wholesome show. not to live in the past but we sure do miss good family television.
Great blog and thanks for the free kindle book listings….the grand kids love them. Our favorite of course are the gardening posts and recipes……a favorite as we continue growing up :). Thank you.
Delores H says
LoraC says
Sonny & Cher.
Debbie K says
I just love all the shows everyone else is saying! Bonanza, Little House, Waltons. The time period was so personal and family oriented.
Helen in Meridian says
Early on it was The Mouseketeer Club. Oh I wanted to be a Mouseketeer, or Janet Lennon on Lawrence Welk, or Hailey Mills in the movie Pollyanna. Later, it was the Waltons and then Little House on the Prairie. Love Cora Beth and her high society ways. We still watch The Waltons and Little House reruns.
Perry says
Happy Days
Debbie says
Roy Rogers
Becky Eassey says
This is embarrassing, but I have to say Little House on the Prairie, Facts of Life and I Love Lucy
Jennifer R says
There are so many great ones to choose from, but definately the Waltons, which my husband teases me and calls them the Walnuts!
Joyce Tucker says
The Wonderful World of DIsney!
Rita Kerr says
There was always rush to finish Sunday evening baths at our house in the sixties. We all needed to be ready for the start of Bonanza. It was the main show was all watched as a family on our new color television, as it was the first Western to be shown in “living color”.
Jennifer says
Full House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, love, love that show.
Side note, my mother lives in Vinton, VA. Right around the corner in her neighborhood lives Ms. Audrey, whose character on the show was Erin. Pretty neat lady and very humble when recognized or asked to speak regarding her life on Walton Mountain.
Angela says
The Waltons was and is my dads favorite so I watched a lot of that. Little House, Happy Days, I love Lucy. It’s so hard to pick a favorite!
Peggy Ann says
The Waltons and Little House on the Prairie were favorites.
But Friday nights it wasThe Brady Bunch followed by the Partridge Family.
Ea says
Charlies angels, The Love Boat and Knight rider were my favorites.
Judy says
My favorite show as a kid was My Favorite Martian!
Instilled a love of sci-fi.
Lauren Michelle says
My favorite show was the Andy Griffith Show!
Tracy says
My favorite show growing up was the Waltons. I especially enjoyed their Christmas and Thanksgiving special. I have many fond memories of tv shows growing up
Staci W. says
Tough choice! Toss up between The Waltons and Little House. 🙂
martha says
The Andy Griffin show !!!!!!!!! still watch it …TY
Teckla Buller says
Beverly Hillbillies!
Larissa says
Ok so this is my mommy inlaw’s favorite show of all time she has even gotten my 11 yr old son HOOKED! So I would love love love to give her this gift 🙂 However my favorite show when I was little was The Golden Girls I used to snuggle with my Grammy in her big chair and watch it…this question brought me many great memories <3
pat says
Little House on the Prairie. I got my children hooked on it. They haven’t seen the Waltons, but I’m sure they’d enjoy it as well. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Arbie Goodfellow says
Petticoat Junction… I loved the girls and the little dog who was Benji!!
Becka says
One of my favorites from way back was Sky King–probably none of your readers ever heard of it, but it was a favorite at our house during my childhood.
Christa H says
Three’s company
Kris says
Mr. Ed !!!!!!
Melanie says
I’m weird , my favorite show was Perry Mason , my mom thought he was Hot so we watched it a lot . In 1997 I was pregnant with my first child and was still watching reruns!
Mary says
OK! I am going to show my age – I watched the “The Mickey Mouse Club” with Annette & crew. I love the old shows like
The Donna Reed Show, I Love Margie – Father Knows Best, I Love Lucy, Dick VanDyke Show, Mary Tyler Moore – I could go on and on.
Jacquelyn Felstead says
The Waltons ALL the way!!!!!
Mary Neathway says
Oh wow.. hard question! When I was very young, it was Friendly Giant- Canada’s answer to Captain Kangaroo. He had a giraffe and a rooster as his sidekicks, he played the recorder and read stories… loved him! As I got older- Bonanza , and Mod Squad, and The Monkees…. wonder what that says about my formative years!
Mary says
My favorite program was 12 O’Clock High. I love B-17s!
Teri says
Grizzley Adams. I owe my love of wildlife to him!
Barbara H says
I always made sure to have Waltons on the TV whenever they were on. Great show, show, watch the reruns to this day
Joy! says
Roy Rogers, the King of the Cowboys. At age 5 I had made plans to marry him. I hope to win and give the Walton gifts to a friend that LOVES “The Waltons” The Homecoming: A Christmas Story. It is a Christmas tradition for her!
vickie says
My favorite show was the Walton’s and still is! I love that you got to go and see the Museum (okay I’m jealous)
Have a great Christmas.
Kim says
Little House on the Prairie
Marlinda says
Carol Burnett
Donna Futakami says
I liked watching the Dukes of Hazzard and Different Strokes. My family also enjoying watching Dallas.