I have never used a grow light before but I am considering buying this Hydrofarm 4-Foot Jump Start T5 Grow Light System
to get a jump-start on my heirloom tomatoes. I’m just not sure if it would make enough of a difference to justify the cost.
I have been starting tomatoes from seed for years and have always used a sunny window in the family room as my source of light. Yes the plants get leggy and I do lose a few plants from time to time, but I still end up with baskets full of delicious tomatoes by the end of the summer.
So my question is…
1.Have you ever used a grow light before?
2.Do you think it made a world of difference?
Peggy says
In college we used grow lights… but our professor taught us a little trick. We built a 3 tiered stand. Each level had hooks and chain which we used to hang a fluorescent shop light from. In the shop light we used 1 warm bulb and 1 cool bulb to help simulate the grow lights. Much more cost effective and we had nursery quality plants. I’ve done this in my own home in a room that have no windows. All the plants did beautifully. Cost?? Umm I don’t know we were living in military housing and did not pay the electric. But if you figure out how much a fluorescent bulb uses then you can do some calculations. All in all I would highly recommend it!
Lynn says
I like Peggy’s idea…I will be adding that to my hubby’s honey-do list! I too decided to get some grow lights plus I just purchased my first heat mat and hope to buy another in a week or so. I am hoping that these two items will get my seedlings off to a great start. If this snow keeps hanging around…I might have to start using the grow light on myself!
Fran says
I recently bought a red/blue LED grow light to try. Plan to stand it in front of plants and make a backdrop behind plants of something covered with aluminum foil to reflect the light so hopefully won’t have to constantly turn the plants or move the lights…