Online Things
The biggest goal that is front and center for me right now is getting all my patterns drawn, kits made and wool dyed, before March 31st.
I did this last year and it really, really helped me be able to enjoy the spring, summer and fall months.
This year though, we won’t be moving, unpacking, putting in a fence, a front garden, having loads of visitors, or doing as many crazy things {in general} as we did last year.
So actually being able to ENJOY the spring/summer/fall months is going to look more normal. That’s the plan anyway.
I’m happy to report, I am making some good progress.
I made lists of what needs to be dyed, kitted up, and drawn. If I had to guess I’d say I’m 5% done with this goal. Which doesn’t seem like a lot, but it’s 5% more than I was last week. 🙂
- Reach 20,000 sales in Etsy shop MavisButterfield {I’m currently at 18,070}
- In Stock and Ready to Ship by March 31st
- Create 4 new patterns/kits
- Take all new pictures + videos for Etsy shop
- Get as much as humanly possible done online January – March of this year.
- Stop picking up my phone so much
- Spend less than 3 hours a day online
- Tidy up the back end of the blog
House Things
Turns out the first house project of the year is going to be freshening up bathroom #2. Thanks for all your input, you had some really good ideas. And some that were… Interesting.
So far The HH has taken down the cabinet, tp holder, towel rack and patched the holes.
So far we have purchased things to change out the outlets from almond to white, light fixtures, a new towel ring, tp holder, and a shelf. We ordered a mirror but had to return it {no bueno} and are still on the hunt for a new sink.
Maybe The HH will get the walls prepped so I can paint them this week, maybe not. We’ll see.
- Paint The Inside Of The House {including closets!}
- Paint The Interior Window Trim
- Remodel Bathroom #1
- Freshen up Bathroom #2
- Put Stuff On The Walls
- Work on “new” Kitchen Game Plan
Garden Things
Not a lot going on in the garden department other than I loaded up on house plants {jasmine, succulents and some spring bulbs to force} at Trader Joe’s.
Since I won’t be starting any of my garden seeds until February 1st, I am waiting to go through my seed packets to see if there is anything I need to order.
I can’t remember when I started leeks in the past… I think it’s February though, so I should probably check to see if I have some of those.
- Grow 365 pounds of food in my teeny tiny backyard.
- Install a side yard {flower} garden
- Make a Potting Bench
- Make a Garden Cart to sell flowers/veggies out front
Kitchen Things
I am currently on the hunt for a new canning book… Do you have any suggestions? I’d like to try some new canning recipes this year.
I’ve made/shared SO MANY traditional canning recipes over the years that I want to try and go a different route this year. Jams and jellies yes, but I also want to try a few unusual recipes too.
- Try 12 new recipes
- Fill the canning cupboard
Travel Things
We bought our first set of “tickets” for 2025 and the HH is pretty stinkin’ excited about them.
I LOVE to travel. We haven’t figured out the logistics or where we’re going to stay or what we’re going to do beyond the event tickets we bought… But hey, it’s a start, right?
You have to have a starting point, and now we have one. 🙂
- Explore more of the great state of Maine
- Go on a painting holiday
- Québec City
- Travel Overseas
- Send the HH on a vacation
Marriage Things
This past week we roamed the aisles of Home Depot, went out for coffee, visited an antique store and walked around our neighborhood {in the freezing cold}.
It was about as good as it gets here in Maine in January. 😉
- Keep my husband busy
- Date days
- Walk more
Secret Projects
I have had ZERO time to work on either of my secret projects… But I did acquire a few things this past week so that I can work on them.
Finding the time in the next month or two to work on them is going to be tricky, but I’m hoping to get a start in another week or two.
The important thing for me is to keep a list of things I need to get done in front of me. Once I can start checking a few things off my list, more things will fall into place and it will be easier to see some progress on my 2025 goals.
Baby steps… That’s what January always seems like to me.
Beginning is hard… But I’m off to a good start.
How about YOU? Have you written down the things you’d like to accomplish this year? Did you make any progress this past week towards achieving them? Even a teeny tiny dent?
If you did, well done you! You have to start somewhere… And the important thing is to START.
- Secret Project #1 {Hoping to reveal by April 30th}
- Secret Project #2 {Hoping to reveal towards the end of the year}
Jamie says
Can you can your Panera tomato soup recipe? One goal I have this year is to use up old seeds and evaluate what plants we really love and eat a lot of from the garden. I started with peppers today, and I have 15, 3 year old packets that need to cleared out this year! We don’t need this many plants (if they all sprout I will have over 50 plants!), so I am going to see if I can use them in landscaping, give them away, or use them for swaps at my local gardening group.
Glenda says
Hi Mavis, I’m in No. Turner ME so I started my winter sowing in water, milk, etc. jugs. It always works great for me. I stick to perennials that need cold stratification, which is one thing we have plenty of here. As you know!! Have a great day.
Holley says
Love all the new plants! Good start to the new year plans!
I have been working on a birthday party theme for my oldest granddaughter over the last two weeks. The party was supposed to be today. It will have to wait though as the middle granddaughter is sick. Such is life in January!
I also haven’t put my built in bookshelves back together since I took down Christmas. I TRIED and failed. I just don’t have the desire to “style” things anymore. I was hoping for some help from my daughters but we have been snowed in the last few days and no one can leave their respective homes. Maybe later this week!
The good part of the snowed in thingy is the time for reading! I’m making a lot of progress in that department!
Mel says
For my goals, I haven’t worked on redoing my office, organizing the kitchen nook, anything holiday-related, or on finding slow cooker recipes yet.
I did manage to eat better and drink more water, but it sort of unraveled at the end of this insanely busy week. I did get a lot of exercise thanks to snow shoveling. I also worked on egg allergen exposure for our toddler.
I have not yet organized the toddler toys, but I did order most of what I need for that, and some of it arrived. I also set up the playscape table for him, and that turned out super cool. It currently has a dinosaur theme, but I’ll swap it out throughout the year for farm, jungle, etc.
Mona says
I highly recommend this canning recipe. The jalapeño gives it just a little kick. I use it to make your chicken salad instead of store bought relish. I also add pecans, red onion, and celery to that salad.
Elizabeth M says
My goal for the first few months of this year is to do some major decluttering since we’re moving soon. I’ve made good progress, clearing out a lot of books I no longer want. I’m also slowly listing some other things on eBay to see if I can sell them.
Margo says
Diane Devereaux, also known as The Canning Diva, has a great website and multiple books out. One of my goals this year is to make several of the recipes out of her books. I loved the look of your canning cupboard and hope you get to fill it up with homemade goodness again this year.
Samantha says
Pressure Canning for Beginners and Beyond by Angi Schneider has some great recipes. I also enjoy Grow and Preserve on You Tube. She has quite a few great recipes as well.
ChouxPastry says
Hi. I recommend the following books which your library may already have :
Saving the season by Kevin West
and these 2 books by Melissa McClellan Food in jars ( the name of her blog)
Preserving by the pint ( especially good for small batches!)
Have fun looking through the recipes. There are classics of course but lots of new stuff.
Rosemary says
I love this recipe:
French Onion Soup
Yield 8 pints
4 pounds onions, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon dried thyme
3 cups dry white wine, divided (or any wine – I use red wine)
3 quarts beef bone broth, or commercial canned chicken, beef, or vegetable stock
Brown onion and next 3 ingredients along with 2 cups of the wine. Cover and cook for 1 hour or until onion is very tender, stirring occasionally. (Note: the onion, thyme, salt & pepper get cooked in the wine)
Uncover and cook, stirring constantly, until onion is caramel colored, approximately 1 hour.
Add the remaining 1 cup of white wine and cook for 2 minutes, stirring to loosen any browned bits from the bottom of the pot. Stir in broth. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 15 minutes.
Ladle hot soup into a hot jar, leaving 1-inch headspace. Remove air bubbles. Wipe jar rim. Center lid on jar. Apply band and adjust until fingertip tight. Place jar on rack in a pressure canner containing 2 inches of simmering water (or follow your canner manual). Repeat until all jars are filled.
Place lid on canner and turn to locked position. Adjust heat to medium high. Vent steam for 10 minutes. Place the counter weight or weighted gauge on vent; bring pressure to 10 pounds for weighted gauge canner or 1 pounds for a dial gauge canner, adjusting for altitude.
Process pint jars for 60 minutes or quart jars for 1hour 15 minutes. Turn off heat, Cool canner to zero pressure. Let stand 5 more minutes before removing lid to help prevent siphoning.
Cool jars in canner 10 minutes. Remove jars and cool. Test lids for seal after 24 hours.
Maureen A Asper says
Pint jars– 60 or 75 minutes??
Rosemary says
Pint jars – 60 minutes
Quart jars – 75 minutes
christine says
I’ve enjoyed some recipes from Marissa McClellan’s blog/books. She has lots of small batch canning recipes, so it’s easy to try some more unusual combos, without committing to a fla
vor profile you don’t end up loving. Although, I DO tend to repeat her recipes!
Tammy says
I don’t know what canning books you have, but if you don’t have the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving, I recommend that one. There are a lot of good recipes in it that I make year after year. The All New Ball Book Of Canning And Preserving is next on my list. This one is not an updated version of the other Ball canning book. It is all new recipes. I’ve found quite a few new recipes in that. I currently have The Complete Guide to Pressure Canning by Diane Devereaux checked out of the library. I haven’t looked at it to see how many recipes I would actually want to try.
And then there’s always for some really good recipes and canning information.
PSUCHIC06 says
Don’t say you won’t be moving haha
Nancy W says
One of my favorite canning books is The Complete Book of Year Round Small Batch Preserving by Ellie Topping & Margaret Howard. I haven’t made a recipe I don’t like yet. Plus as the title says it is small batch so the recipes make anywhere from 2 – 8 cups. Perfect for my husband and I.
Sue S. says
Goal one was to finish knitting a new beret for my daughter – DONE. It’s the Buness Tam from The Woolly Thistle. It’s a beauty and not nearly as complicated as I initially thought. Its stranded colorwork but you only use 2 colors at any one time.
Goal two is to hook more or less on a daily basis. Today I sat listening to cooking shows and made major (for me) progress on my current WIP “Big Bird” by Lucille Festa.
Goal three is to gradually de-clutter the house. This one will take quite a while with 48 years’ worth of stuff in the house. Stay tuned!
wendy lato says
Complete book of Canning by Ball and purchased at Costco. Many good recipes.
Allison L Kitfield says
just an idea…I bought a jar of an Italian mostarda with quince at Lidl this fall, and glazed our christmas ham for the big dinner, to rave reviews. does Lidl still have said product ? of course not, but like chutney I think it would be fairly easy to make. I see lots of recipes for mostardas on the web to try. if you don’t beat me to it I’ll let you know if I find a good one. We also had a wonderful mince and apple pie over the holidays, and I have a good recipe for mincemeat that is supposed to can well, which would make great gifts. Let me know if you have any interest.
Carla says
Check out Food In Jars. Marissa has interesting takes on canning recipies, She has four canning books out now.
Donna Wade says
Are you familiar with Marisa McClellen? I learned to can from her blog, Food in Jars. She has a lot of interesting and unusual (well, to me, anyway) recipes. She has a few different books you might like.