Yesterday I was looking for my automatic outlet timers so I could set up my grow lights down in the basement {I’ll be starting onion seedlings soon} and while I didn’t find the timers, I did find a little bag of old SD cards.
Remember those? Before everyone was using their phones to snap photos, we all used SD cards to store our photos. Do you know where yours are? Have you taken a look at the photos on them lately?
I haven’t gone through all the cards yet, but I was surprised at how many oddball photos were on the ones I did look at.
Like this one of Monkey Boy making his breakfast.
And a card and a pair of tweezers from Jill.
Jill, are you still here reading this nonsense everyday? 🙂
The produce section at Winco. Man oh man do I miss that place! Remember the good old days when you could get avocados for $0.78!?
And when was the last time you saw Oscar Mayer weenies for $1.48 a pack? Aren’t those like $4 now?
And Sara Lee pound cakes!!! $2.34.
2012. That’s the expiration date on the box. So basically the price has doubled in the last 10 years.
When was the last time you saw Cheerios for $1.78 a box?
And coupons for FREE MILK!
Those were the days. Geez I’m starting to sound like an old person. Reminiscing about grocery prices. What’s next? Telling my kids how I had to walk to school in the snow {uphill, both ways}? Ha Ha Ha.
Old photos. Why are we still hanging on to them?
Seriously, I need to get rid of these.
Okay, well maybe there’s a few in there I should at least print out before I hit the delete button. 🙂
Robin in WI says
My thing is external hard drives full of old crap, lol Those hold a terabyte of stuff each, so it won’t be a quick weeding. I did just go over paper photos from the ’80s and ’90s and tossed about half.
Jamie says
Why don’t you just save your photos on an online site, like amazon photos or shutterfly? Or get an external hard drive and save digital copies…… I don’t understand deleting them?
Linda Practical Parsimony says
I would definitely not get rid of those!
Virginia says
Your HH was looking pretty buff back in the day! Stylish too — although he really should wear shoes out in public.
Mavis Butterfield says
And those pelts… That must have been some good eatin’ we were doing back in the day.
Lindsey says
And I believe I was barefoot when I walked to school in the snow, uphill both ways.
Ashley Bananas says
I recently had to fix my computer and found that Geek Squad has a yearly fee to fix computers, so you pay once for an unlimited amount of labor, and just pay for parts as you go. They fixed the current computer, then I brought in a lap top and also an old tower and had them take out the hard drives, and put all the files on an external hard drive. I bet they could do the same for these.
The young man and I who spoke talked about different technologies through the years including how almost no computers come with dvd readers anymore. We also talked about floppy disks, I suppose it’s the time of year, but I suggested using them as Christmas tree ornaments and doing a digital tree with old technology like burnable CD’s, floppy disks, etc. We both thought it was adorable. I think I know what I’ll be doing next year. lol
Gigi says
The sustainability club at my college took a bunch of 3 1/4″ floppies and turned then into pencil holders using zip ties.
Ashley Bananas says
Gigi, do you have a link to this or any photos you can share? I’m interested! I thought the ornaments idea was kind of cute since I always bought multicolored ones when they were something I used.
Dawn Poff says
I just bought avacados at Aldi this week for .59 each. Do you have an Aldi near you?
Linda Sand says
My husband still uses SD cards for some of his computer projects. And I’ve been deleting old photos that no longer speak to me. And he totally reformatted my back up drive recently because it had run out of room by storing stuff from years ago so it only has one backup on it now but I have to use an adapter to back up because it cannot connect directly to my current computer. We, obviously, have a mix of old and new.
LindaT says
I like Monkey boys breakfast. Brings back the days when my 6’5” son was growing. He’d have 1/2 a loaf of bread in toast, eggs and bacon and beg from his sisters, who, fortunately for him were watching their calories. There was no end to his appetite! Or the cost of his evergrowing shoes, which topped out at size 15.
Debi says
I’d save them… otherwise who would ever believe that you could buy Cheerios fo $1.78? 🙂
Linda says
Ha!! True!!! My grandfather told my mom when she was a teenage girl that one day she’d pay $1 for a loaf of bread. (Obviously quite a few years ago!) He’d be amazed at the prices of food these days!!!
Jenny Young says
You can buy avocados for .78 each today at my local Walmart. I’ve been buying them for around that & less for quite awhile at Walmart & Aldi.