While reading the Sunday paper I noticed an ad for local organic peaches for 99cents a lb. What a deal! So I headed down and picked up about 25lbs. I had high hopes of canning peaches and visions of row after row of canned peaches lined up in the pantry for The Girl to eat up all winter long.
But sadly canned peaches were not meant to be, not today and not with these peaches anyway. Apparently there are 2 kinds of peaches: freestone and cling stone. As you might guess, freestone are what you need for canned peaches. Cling stone peaches “cling” to the peach pit making it VERY difficult to have a clean cut pretty sliced peach (guess which ones I bought). And because I have major ocd (self diagnosed of course), I cannot simply have choppy looking peach slices/bits floating around in the jar starring back at me all winter long each and every stinkin time I open the cupboard.
So what to do? First thought was will the food bank accept store bought fruit? Second thought, look in canning book. Aahhhh, peach butter. I’ll make that.
What is that I hear you saying???
You’d love some for Christmas???
Hey, I’ll see what I can do.
I think I might just have enough to go around….
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