On Monday the HH and I headed out on a little mini adventure to the Cushing / St. George area of Maine and well, as usual we got distracted and found something rather unexpected along the way.
Mavis: Stop the car! Seriously, pull over.
HH: What?! Why?
Mavis: There was a sign for GNOMES FOR SALE!!! Go back.
HH: WOW. Only you would see a sign like that.
4 miles later…
Gaaa! They were closed, can you believe it? What are the odds? I wanted to drive down the road to investigate but the HH said no {ridiculous!} but luckily though found the gnome lady on facebook.
Here are a few pictures from her facebook page of just a sampling of the gnomes she carves with her chainsaw. I found out that she’s open Memorial Day through Labor Day {tourist season here in Maine} and now that I’ve discovered these little gems, we’re going to have to take a drive back up to the St. George to buy one later this summer.
I mean seriously, who wouldn’t want one of these gnomes in their life?
Because the selection is ever changing… You just never know what will be there when you go. Which makes it kind of exciting if you ask me. 🙂
Our date day adventure didn’t stop with the gnomes though… We also drove out to the Olson house on the Cushing peninsula. It’s closed this summer for repairs, but still, it was pretty cool to see the house that was depicted in the Andrew Wyeth painting, Christina’s World. If you haven’t seen the Wyeth documentary yet, I’ve watched it a half dozen times already and have learned something new every time.
We also stopped by the Marshall Point Lighthouse and St. George’s Fishermen’s Memorial as well.
If you’ve seen the movie Forrest Gump, the lighthouse might look familiar {here’s the movie clip, the lighthouse is featured at 1:36}.
The lighthouse museum was closed as well but we still enjoyed walking around the property and along the shore.
The HH loved the look of the barn there.
And with picnic benches scattered all around the property, it was the perfect spot for a picnic lunch. 😉 So if you ever find yourself in Mid-Coast Maine, add these gems to your list of must see places. You’ll be so glad you did.
Have a wonderful day everyone,
Marshall Point Lighthouse
Marshall Point Rd, Port Clyde, ME 04855
Carolina Cooper says
If you loved the house featured in Christina’s World AND you made it as far as Port Clyde…you might want to put a trip to Monhegan Island on a future date day list. The boat leaves from Port Clyde and Monhegan is where James Wyeth (Andrew’s son) has a home and has painted for many years. My favorite painting of his is The Red House, where I honeymooned in 1972, You cannot take your car, which is a plus (there is parking at Port Clyde) and the island has a library, one room school house, small church, general store and lots of great walking trails. I don’t go there anymore, as I am too old to hike those trails, but it has been a special place for 5 generations of my family.
Maryw says
I love that Darth Gnome. Wonder if she’d do an Obi Gnome Kenobi?
Jennifer says
Don’t know if you’re near Somerville, ME, but I was watching a segment on TV about a woman there who makes earrings, magnets, poo poo clocks and fecal people The segment was on Marty and McGee on a sports network, and it was crazy to hear her talk seriously about it. The company is called Tirdy Works.
Jennifer says
Sorry, forgot to add that it’s made out of moose turds.
Ranee says
When we were in Alaska 20 plus years ago, it was not uncommon to see jewelry made out of moose poo. People need to know that moose poo is pellets about 1″ or so long and dries into a very hard piece of “potential craft ware” – no, I did not buy any moose poo jewelry.
Ellen in Clackamas says
Oh, the Gnomes! I was part of the great gnome adventure with you many years ago. Sent several to you and bought some for me. I have a shaded corner in my yard that I call “the Gnome Home” . Will have to look this lady up. What a great find!
Lynda says
I was just thinking about Mavis’s Gnome Adventure.
Jenn from MA says
Oh wow! I’m so sad I didn’t see you Monday. But maybe it’s a good thing- I probably would have freaked out since you are like a famous person and being the socially awkward person that I am I would have debated back and forth about a thousand times if I should say hi We live right next to the Olson house! It’s usually just our summer house but we have been living here since March riding out the pandemic. It’s so peaceful here 🙂
Mavis Butterfield says
If only I had known… We could have met up at the ice cream place in Port Clyde! We LOVE the area!
Jenn from MA says
Yes! Next time 🙂 we shoot over to Port Clyde in our dinghy to get ice cream all the time!
Judy Terwilliger says
If you’re an Andrew Wyeth fan, you should come down to Chadds Ford, PA (a suburb of Philadelphia) and visit the Brandywine River Museum….
Linda Practical Parsimony says
That was a sign to make even me stop and I am not a gnome person.
Katie says
Please go back to the gnome place and do a post! I would have wanted to stop too.
Jacki Sanders says
I would have freaked out to seeing the sign! I love them all!!!
***I must be behind. When did you move??? I love your new place!
Merry Christmas!