If you have a couple of ultra ripe bananas sitting on your kitchen counter that you don’t know what to do with, I have just the recipe for you. I made these banana nut muffins the other day and wowie zowie they were delicious. The HH stood in our kitchen and ate 3 Read More >>
Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
Because bananas always seem to brown around here before we eat them, I’m always looking for good banana recipes for those bananas on the last leg of their life. So this recipe combines chocolate chips and bananas in muffin form. Pretty sure you can’t go wrong there! It’s like getting your breakfast and dessert all Read More >>
Pineapple and Banana Smoothie
When you have a houseful of hard workers and you want to reward them but have no stove and no kitchen to speak of, what do you do? Whip out a blender and make some mean smoothies of course! This recipe was a hit with the whole crew. I only had to provide 2 ingredients Read More >>
Strawberry Banana Muffins
First strawberry crop of the season and it only took me 2 seconds to figure out what to do with them. I wanted to make some muffins anyway, so it made perfect sense to drop some fresh strawberries into my recipe. The results were pretty much heaven in a muffin tin. Yum! These muffins freeze Read More >>
Peanut Butter Banana Granola
Why have I never thought to use smashed up bananas in my granola before? Well add this to the list of things you can make from all those spotted bananas that somehow creep onto our countertops. 🙂 I mean I LOVE me some granola, so it was no surprise that I loved this {adapted} recipe Read More >>