The Girl Who Thinks She’s A Bird started off her Thanksgiving morning running a 10K race with her team. Then she promptly came home and slept for 3 hours. Monkey Boy started his morning with a mixing bowl full of Pops. I made a pumpkin pie. I’m not sure if the Handsome Husband was suffering Read More >>
Be kind to the bunnies…
Be Kind To The Chocolate Bunnies… Happy Easter…
The best Valentines gift ever…
I just finished reading an article in a local magazine… According to a survey by the National Retail Federation… couples will be spending less this year on Valentines Day… The article says… The typical Male will spend $135 on Valentines… The typical Female will spend about half that… *********** Ahem… I have several issues with Read More >>
Thank You Santa…
A year supply of toilet paper… Does it get any better than that? ************* ********* ***** *** ** * Oh wait… maybe it does… A year supply of Panera too! Suhhweeet!
The Perfect Hostess Gift…
This year for Christmas I’m giving friends and family boxes and boxes of pasta, shampoo, deodorant, cake mix, laundry detergent, snack foods, razors ect. that I was able to pick up for FREE throughout the year… My thought behind this was… 1. They already have everything they need… 2. I’d personally rather receive a years Read More >>