A big thanks to Tamera for passing along this Trader Joe’s lentil bruschetta recipe. We tried it yesterday and both the HH and I LOVED it!
I’ll totally admit, when I first read that Tamera added lentils to her bruschetta, I thought she was a little crazy. But the more I thought about it I was like, well, I also thought Laura’s idea to add rice to Trader Joe’s tomato a roasted pepper soup was a little different too but that turned out pretty freaking amazing so I’m going to give the Trader Joe’s lentil bruschetta recipe a try too.
And I’m so glad I did!!!
Well done Tamera. Thank you for the awesome idea. 🙂
Here is the comment Tamera left on my latest shopping trip post that prompted sharing this delicious recipe.
“If you want another delicious Trader Joe’s idea, get a pack of the lentils (in the fridge section), a tub of bruschetta, and a tub of feta, mix it all together, eat on toast or with crackers.
(No need to heat!) a great way to up your fiber for the day. It will last you a few days. I usually portion it out and don’t mix it together until I’m ready to eat it.”
Today I plan on serving the leftover bruschetta over salad greens. Fiber and protein. What more do you need in a main meal!?
We loved this recipe, and I think you will too.
P.S. If you have a favorite {and simple} Trader Joe’ recipe you’d love to share, please leave it in the comments below. Easy, nutritious meals… that’s what I’m all about these days.
P.P.S. The cost to make this was $10.27 {Lentils $3.29, Feta $2.99, Brushetta $3.99}.
Trader Joe’s Lentil Bruschetta
1 pouch Trader Joe’s steamed lentils
1 tub Trader Joe’s brushetta
1 tub Trader Joe’s feta
Mix the lentils, brushetta and feta together in a bowl. Serve on toast or over salad greens.
Tamara says
I’m so glad you liked it!!
Laura says
Not just for bruschetta – it makes a great side salad (like for a barbecue)!
Heather says
Try using it in a wrap with arugula, yum!
Melissa says
Get the birria in the freezer section and pour over the squiggle Korean knife cut noodles. Top with grated cheese. DELISH!!! It takes 5 minutes to microwave the birria and 4 minutes to cook the noodles. Easy Peasy!
Mimi says
I would totally go for that! I’m not sure about the husband but we will put it to the test. I’m spending a lot of time with meal prep lately for health reasons and most convenience foods don’t meet our standards but I’m experiencing cooking burnout. I’m always grateful for quick, healthy, homemade or semi-homemade options.
Sue S. says
Sounds like another “winner, winner, chicken dinner” (without the chicken). Thanks Mavis and Tamera. Such a low cost healthy meal!!
Leslie says
I would totally add chopped Kalamata olives and eat it as a side dish!
Jamie B. says
This looks and sounds delicious! I can’t wait to try it. Thank you for sharing!
Judy says
I added chopped kalamata olives and spinach. Such a good easy salad. Hubby and I both enjoyed it. We have two meatless dinners a week. Thanks for sharing.
sue says
the original recipe (back in the days they had taste-test samples at Trader Joes) added cubed up English cucumber to the lentil feta bruschetta. adds a nice crunch and coolness for summer. yum