I have ever met a person who does not love pot roast. I take that back. The Girl Who Thinks She’s a Bird, her BFF The Mathematician is a vegetarian. But besides her… who doesn’t love a nice hunk of meat that has been simmered in a dutch oven all day long?
Since I had planned to work all day in the garden yesterday, pot roast seemed like the perfect choice for dinner. My pot roast recipe is simple. Peel a few carrots, wash a few red potatoes, chop up an onion, gather up a little steak & Italian seasoning, toss it in a pot and call it good. Well almost.
A few years ago while watching a cooking show {I don’t remember which one} they demonstrated how searing the meat first helps to lock in the flavor of the meat. And ever since then, that is what I have done.
Onions are a biggie too. You must include onions.
And everyone knows a true pot roast dinner is not complete without a few carrots and potatoes.
So if you are looking for an easy peasy weeknight dinner, or a meal for Sunday Supper…
This simple pot roast recipe is a keeper!
Recipe: How to Make a Pot Roast
{1} 3lb Beef or Buffalo Roast {I used organic buffalo}
3 Large Carrots, peeled
7 Red Potatoes
1 Large Onion, chopped
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 Tablespoon Steak Seasoning
1 Tablespoon Italian Seasoning
Preheat oven to 300°. Cover roast with seasonings. Pour 2 tablespoons olive oil into a dutch oven, over medium heat sear all sides of the pot roast.
Add chopped onion and saute for 3-5 minutes. Add carrots, potatoes and 1/2 cup water.
Cover and cook in a 300° oven for 4-5 hours.
Remove from oven, let stand for 30 minutes.
Slice meat, pour the remaining juices from the dutch oven over the meat and serve with potatoes and carrots. Dig in!
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