I’ve been thinking hard about ways to reduce the stress in my life lately and have come up with 10 ways to reduce stress that I think are pretty do-able. Everybody’s got stress, right? It seems like in a world of fast-paced, always “on” society, there’s never a chance to de-stress and not feel guilty Read More >>
10 Alternative Uses for Baby Wipes
I haven’t had babies in, like, 15 years, but from the time my kids were born, I knew that I was never going to stop needing baby wipes again. Those little suckers are so handy to have around. I use them for everything except cleaning baby bottoms now. Here’s my 10 favorite uses for baby Read More >>
10 Cool Uses for Fall Leaves
10 Cool Uses for Fall Leaves — Let’s be honest, raking and bagging leaves stinks. Actually, for me, it’s the bagging them that I am not a fan of–so here’s 10 cool ways to put those leaves to use other than bagging them for the garbage man. 10 Cool Uses for Fall Leaves Compost them. Read More >>
10 Cool Uses for Nail Polish
I’ve never really been the type of girl that paints her nails, but still, I buy polish every once in awhile, promising myself I will for special occasions. I’ve finally come to the realization that it is never going to happen. Never. Between gardening, canning, cooking, etc. {I always wear gardening gloves, but it doesn’t Read More >>
10 Cool Uses for Alka Seltzer
Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh-what-a-relief-it-is {feel free to sing along}. That song always runs through my head whenever anyone mentions Alka Selter, but apparently Alka Seltzer provides more than just relief from indigestion. In fact, these fizzy little wonders can do all sorts of things. Here’s my 10 favorite alternative ways to use Alka Selzter: Read More >>