Here are a few more questions readers have sent in over the last few weeks. I’ve answered the best I can, but a few could use your input {pretty please!}. I have been following your blog for a couple seasons now and am very impressed! My question has to do with watering. I have very Read More >>
Ask Mavis – I’m Talking Lucy, DIY Laundry Tabs, Heat-Treated Pallet Gardening and MORE!
What type of dog do you have? SO, SO, ADORABLE!!!! ~Cheryl Lucy is a puggle and we could not imagine life without her! We’ve had her for about 2 years, and even though she is occasionally naughty, she is so adorable, we forgive her. She is a part of our family, so of course I Read More >>
How Do I Keep My Vegetable Starts Watered While I’m Out of Town?
One Hundred Dollar a Month reader, Kristin, recently sent in a question about keeping veggie starts watered if you need to leave town and can’t convince someone that seedlings are enough reason to pop over to your house each day. It’s actually something I’ve learned to deal with myself, as the HH cannot always be Read More >>
Ask Mavis – You Asked, I Answered {Plus, a Knitting Challenge!}
Another round of inbox questions, and another round of answers. First up is one of my favorite emails I’ve ever received from a reader. Sure it’s not exactly a question, but it certainly deserves to be shared!! Mavis – I want to share with you a challenge I just made to my friends and family Read More >>
Ask Mavis – All Your Burning Questions Answered
It’s that time again. You ask, and I pretend to know things and answer your burning questions. It really is so much fun to open my inbox and see the wide variety of questions you guys have. Reminds me that my readers are so diverse and pretty dang awesome. So keep those questions coming and Read More >>