So. What did the HH get his dear, sweet, wife of 21 years for their wedding anniversary?
Can we get a drumroll please?
The seed has been planted people and I suspect when he’s 80 years old and can no longer carry a case of corn up the front steps, I’ll be getting a sack of popcorn.
In case you are wondering…
Fred Meyer: Home of the 20th Anniversary Gift Store. Who Knew?
Happy 19th Anniversary … Here Are 2 Boxes of Corn
Tell me I am not the only one who gets such incredible gifts like this.
Karin Carson says
Happy Anniversary to you both
Kathy says
You get corn, I get small appliances or single cast iron pans. Or single bath towels, the set being completed on Sweetest day, my birthday and Christmas, in that order. Funny thing is, I totally LOVE getting small appliances and cast iron pans as gifts. Not commenting on how I feel about the towels. At least they remember, right?
Becky says
Three summer’s ago I got a load of compost for our anniversary…that was our 13th.
He knows well…only people like us could be happy with a truck load of Decayed food.
John says
Amazed, like maize? That’s pun-ny!
I got my wife sheetrock for her birthday before….
Monica says
Well….it could have been worse, like getting you those earrings you always never wanted 🙂
Alice says
Happy Anniversary!
Veronica Vatter says
Jen says
I got 6 cauliflower plants for my birthday.
Katie W says
The corn strikes again! I love it. Last year was our first anniversary. Not sure we got each other gifts. Chocolate and flowers were involved though. This year I get to be pregnant, woohoo! By Nov 24th, we’ll have just one more month until our Christmas Eve baby is due. What I’m looking forward to is sharing our anniversary with Thanksgiving. It may actually be special, since the first ever Thanksgiving dinner I made was on our honeymoon 🙂
Sue says
I got a splitting maul one year.
Yes, it was exactly what I wanted. 😉
And because we live way out in the boonies, and because all our friends know us well enough to not be fooled, we told everyone that for my birthday “he took me mall shopping”. Ha!
Sue says
I love it!
Got to love ’em!
Bev Hallowell says
You got corn; I got four chrome wheels. Corn taste way better…
Tracey says
I got a Mantis tiller for Mother’s Day 😉 Happy Anniversary!
Helen in Meridian says
I want one of those.
Sherle says
My sweet hubby for my 54th birthday brought loads of composted horse manure for me. I was so excited as it meant I got to expand my garden plots. 🙂
Nicky Roo says
What did you get him, Mavis?
Linda says
Two cases of SWEET POTATOES!!! And I was thrilled!
Happy Anniversary!!!!
Marcia says
aw, what a sweet photo. Our 19th was this year, I don’t think we did anything…
Earlene says
My mom got a fire extinguisher fir a birthday one time, maybe her 55th. I thought she was going to klunk my Dad with it. After that it was always jewelry, smart man!
Veronica says
I am still waiting on the card I know he bought for me 3 anniversaries ago…
Linden says
Married 33 years. Most years he gets me a load of decayed horse manure and also shovels it into my garden beds. The years he doesn’t do that, he buys me cases of fancy canning jars. On my birthday, he also makes me my favorite dinner, an ethnic dish that takes literally all day to make. I am a happy wife!
Cass says
I got a pressure washer for Christmas, a set of cordless tools for Birthday and for assorted gift giving occasions over the years I have gotten a wheel barrel, rubber boots, a flat shovel and hoe, 100 feet of fence, a wagon and a chicken coop. (the chicken coop was custom built and has vinyl siding and double hung windows with various lengths of wood to hold them open at various levels according to season)
I have loved and used every single gift. Would much rather have something I NEED as a gift than something that says “I forgot so I picked this up for you”.
Betsy says
I love it! My husband and I had a date night last Friday and froze and canned 9 dozen ears of corn. He is starting to see what turns me on after 17 years of marriage.
Actually we got the corn from a co-worker who’s 80 acre corn field got passed over by the canning company because they had too much corn. She hated to see all that corn go to waste…
Mindy says
I got a load of compost for Easter one year. Best. Present. Ever.
Mavis says
You clearly speak my language (my husband’s, too!).
Julianna says
We had our 20th anniversary this summer and by coincidence, the house we bought closed on the same day…so my husband could say he bought me a house for our anniversary. Believe me, it’s usually not something so expensive!! 😉
Tina B says
My husband and I have been married for 25 years now. The last few anniversaries we have taken a couple days to travel someplace nearby and see the historical sights or to go hiking and check into a hotel for a couple of nights. We both look forward to it, no work, no chores, no kids just us. I will take that over expensive jewelry or gifts any day.
Ashley says
Happy anniversary! My husband and I celebrated 21 years today